Minutes of the Ward Panel
1. Notes of the Last Meeting – the notes of the meeting held on 13th December were
2. Matters Arising
• Chichele Pedestrian X – no further update on the ongoing discussions between Brent
and Barnet Council officers.
3. Update on SNT personnel
Inspector Yu Zhang is responsible for Cricklewood & Mapesbury, but there are now 3
Inspectors across the Brent SNT Wards. Sgt Alan O’Connor will be the sergeant for C&M and
Brondesbury, with PC Rishi Selvarajah replacing Joanna Robinson. PC Dan Novokovic and
PCSO Ajay Dhokia will continue their roles in the SNT.
4. Ward Crime figures for December to March 2024 reviewed against priorities were circulated
prior to the meeting and attached to these notes.
Current Priorities
Violence – Focus around Cricklewood Broadway and Chichele Road and area around
McDonalds on the Broadway
Burglary – Focus on areas that are being targeted which have been reported.
ASB/Drugs – Focus patrols around hotspots where ASB and drug use occurs.
The crime stats were presented in the new format showing heat areas as well as the key
crimes reported as Violence, Burglary, Drug Offences, ASB Calls and All Crime summaries.
and were shown for each of the priority area and in addition there was an ‘All crimes’ map.
Most Reported Crimes – January – March 2024
The most reported crime figures on the Met Police Website are a change from the previous
heat maps that were displayed. The crime map shows the different sections of crime from
ASB, burglary, violence, drugs, etc. The link below will show you the figures:
The most reported crimes for the ward on the website show a slight reduction from the last
• Anti-social behaviour – 28 reports
• Vehicle Crime – 23 reports
• Violence and sexual offences – 24 reports
• Other Theft – 17 reports
5. Team Activity
Report back on Operation McAllen (covering the A5 corridor) shows it has been very
successful with several people arrested and now burglaries have reduced significantly. Over
the last 3 weeks only 3 burglaries reported on the ward. Now working with the Council to
build community cohesion.
There has been ongoing anti-social behaviour from two addresses
resulting in the obtaining of two full closure orders with the help from Brent Council’s legal
team for the properties and they are now secure with no one occupying the flats. While on
patrol the Team spotted a suspicious vehicle. This vehicle was later
found with the driver in the vehicle. The driver was searched and
during this discarded a large amount of Class A drugs and ran but was caught. This suspect
was arrested for possession with intent to supply drugs and more drugs and items were
found in relation to drug supply at their home address.
Following request SNT have been in contact with Cricklewood Library to offer an
independent community safety talk to any residents or members of public who want to join.
This is currently arranged for 4th April at 11.00. Flyers will be circulated to ensure a good
A successful Stop and Search workshop presentation was delivered for Anson Primary
The Team have been assisting Roundwood SNT in relation to youth engagement which has
made a significant improvement to build trust and confidence. This engagement will
continue due to the gang tensions in the area.
Op Terminos – this is an operation that will be starting imminently which covers Cricklewood
Broadway down to Kilburn High Road. Due to increase of crime and anti-social behaviour this
operation will tackle this issue with a lot of police resources and partner agencies.
Alan O’Connor advised the panel about Problem Orientated Policing – POP. This is where
money is directed to Hotspots and activities are advertised to deter criminals in the specific
6. Issues raised from the Ward by members
• Gladstone Park ASB issues around the Table tennis table near the Children’s playground.
This activity is in the small area of the park which is in the Cricklewood & Mapesbury
Ward. The Café owner has reported a visit from the SNT and is relieved that her
concerns are being listened to.
Whilst recognising that most of the issues of drug taking around this table tennis table
are significant in the summer weather, it was agreed that this needs to be resolved.
Why had the table been moved so near to where children’s activities take place? As it
seems a difficult issue to find a replacement area, it is recommended that the table be
Gladstone Park is covered by 3 difference Wards, and the Cricklewood & Mapesbury
ward has the smallest area for the ward panel. It runs from the gate opposite the library
to the driveway into the park, following the left curve from the library– not past the Park
maintenance area.
• Telephone Box in Olive Road – next to Ashford Court. The phone box is filthy, not
maintained and constantly vandalised and fly tipped. Danny Maher has been in contact
with BT and with the Council Officers. The CTT and North West Two RA have asked for
this box to be removed.
We are aware that BT have a set criteria to provide payphones for the needs of
communities, under their Universal Service Obligation. However, the Town Tam has a
long history (back to 2010) of working to get rid of 16 phone boxes in the area that
caused issues for residents and are rarely income generating for BT.
In discussion, it was agreed that residents are asked to report any physical issues
regarding the appearance of the phone box directly to BT. This can be done via their
Customer Service Team by emailing customer.serv.payphones@bt.com quoting
02084529450. It is really important that issues are reported regularly as the data
then allows the Police and the ASB Team at Brent Council to highlight this location.
• Golden Slots request for Gaming licence – The new owners of the Barclays Bank building have applied for a gaming licence 24/7. The Ward Panel in discussion raised their concern and agreed that there is not a need for additional premises linked to gambling on the Broadway in an area of higher crime. The Cricklewood Town Team has raised their concerns to business licence with a formal objection which has been forwarded to Brent Council ASB Team. Following the meeting The Councillors have asked for up to date crime stats for the area, which has been supplied. The licence meeting is on 4th April.
All incidents of crime should be reported directly to the Police by calling 101 for non
emergencies, or by calling 999 if a crime is taking place. Customers can also contact the
Police online via their webpage at www.met.police.uk.
In addition contacting the SNT by email with non-urgent report or to provide intelligence
Mapesbury.SNT@met.police.uk and copy in our Community Safety Team via their
email address at community.safety@brent.gov.uk
7. Community Contact Sessions:
Currently community contact sessions will be undertaken for local issues raised of concern
to residents. When required they are found to be very supportive.
Feedback from Brent Council ASB Team
Philip Stagles, Neighbourhood Manager, Brent Council reported that over the last twelve months the team has conducted a number
of Multi Agency Operations, involving with other Council Departments, the Met Police and
the Environment Agency, with a view to addressing the activities of the traders in Hassop
Road. The last two operations were as recently as 07 February 2024 and 04 March 2024.
These resulted in the issuing of a total of 27 parking tickets, with 9 vehicles being removed. 3
Fixed Penalty Notices were also issued for illegal dumping.
At the end of February 2024, he visited each of the business units in Hassop Road, to engage
in dialogue, which identified ways traders could engage and work with him. This action was
agreed, following the recent meeting he arranged, involving various senior management. The
results of the survey will now be reported back, with a view to agreeing the way forward.
8. Cross Border working for Cricklewood with Barnet and Camden
There is evidence of working across the A5 for C&M SNT. Particularly in the policing of the
problems around McDonalds.
9. To agree Priorities for next quarter. It was agreed that we would continue with the same
a. One from SNT
Mapesbury and Cricklewood SNT will continue to show uniform patrols along
Cricklewood Broadway and Chichele Road as this is the hotspot for violence on the
streets. The main issue is around McDonalds on Cricklewood Broadway and along
the Broadway with the junction of Chichele Road. We continually visit and speak to
the management of McDonalds even though this is not on the ward but the violence
does filter on to our side. We have noticed any violence on the streets stems from
the Broadway onto Chichele Road towards Willesden. Op TERMINOS is a long term
operation planned for 12 months along the A5 corridor from Kilburn High Road to
Cricklewood Broadway. This will be to tackle violence, burglaries and ASB/Drug. This
will be cross boarder work with Barnet side. There will be a lot of joint partner
agency working.
b. Two from Ward Panel
The burglaries across the ward have started to decrease after a significant increase
in the last 6 months. Operation McAllen has come to an end due to the significant
reduction in burglaries and known suspects arrested. The team are now compiling a
bundle for each suspect to be issued with a criminal behaviour order. This will
restrict them from entering Cricklewood area and with conditions they need to
adhere too. Op TERMINOS which is a new operation to tackle violence, burglaries
and ASB/Drugs will focus our attention and patrols more in the area with assistance
of other officers and partner agency working. The team will continue to monitor the
stats and reports of burglaries in the area.
Anti Social Behaviour and drugs
Anti-social behaviour is an issue across London. There have been issues with multi
occupancy properties on the ward. There are a lot of HMO properties coming to
attention where drugs are being used and supplied from. The team have carried out
many closure orders on properties with the help of local residents who have
provided statements to assist the closure orders. Op TERMINOS which is a new
operation and a long term problem solving issue along the A5 corridor from
Cricklewood Broadway to Kilburn High Road. Part of this officers and partner
agencies will do a lot of work around drug issues and ASB. As part of this operation
the team will be looking into HMO licenced premises and working with Brent
10. Any other business
11. Date of next meeting – June 2024.
Communication summary – PLEASE CIRCULATE to all contacts
• 999 for high level crime in progress including Domestic Violence and issues of concern
• Use Crime-stoppers – 0800 555 111 – to anonymously submit crimes and incidents.
• 101 to report incidents. Need people to be specific in reporting addresses / vehicles – not
helpful to say just street name. Make sure add details of address when reporting.
• To report various crimes as well as anti-social behaviour can be done online at
https://www.met.police.uk/ro/report/ocr/af/how-to-report-a-crime/. Put as much detail as
possible when reporting ASB or crime online and the exact circumstances and location.
• Issues of ASB can be reported to Brent Council’s Community Safety team
community.safety@brent.gov.uk or report ASB: https://www.brent.gov.uk/nuisance
• SNT online – Email to SNT is the best form of contact: but not for urgent matters as not
covered 24/7.
Email for Mapesbury & Cricklewood SNT:
• Noise App link: https://www.brent.gov.uk/services-for-residents/environment/noise-light
smoke-and-smell-nuisance/download-the-brent-noise-app/. If residents have not had a
reply, e-mail Philip Stagles (Phillip.stagles@brent.gov.uk ) and he will attempt to get a
• Advance – An independent charity supporting survivors of domestic abuse
Telephone: 07398 454898.
Email: brent.admin@advancecharity.org.uk