Olive Road Street Party


The party will…

  • Take place at 12.00-7.00pm on a section of Olive Road, it is for all local residents in the neighbourhood of surrounding roads.
  • All residents in the local area, plus their friends and family will be encouraged to participate

* Seek to raise awareness and money for Cricklewood Library. All surplus money from the event will go the library.
* Have a literary theme. Ideas at this stage for the theme are:
* Participants to come in fancy dress as a character from a book they like
* Participants to donate their favourite book to Cricklewood library, bringing a copy of the book to give to the library stall on the day
* Have a story tent and hold a poetry slam
* Encourage all participating to bring food and drink to set out on a table
* Have a children’s area with creative play, dressing up, face painting, make a belt, etc. We’ll try to get the local nurseries and schools involved.
* Involve local musicians throughout the afternoon. Some rostered and some spaces for impromptu performance. Local musicians to include a mix of genres including pop, rock, folk, sitar and tabla, old fashioned sing-along to ukulele, children’s karaoke. We’ll keep the music stage low level and set the PA for acoustic sets
* Host a Zumba dance
* Have a Mad Hatters tea party (possible performance / coaching from professional actors)
*Have street games such as tug of war, egg and spoon race etc.

The fun starts before the street party…

To raise money for the street party, we are holding a pub quiz and neighbourhood wide front yard sale. If you can, please do participate in both events. The quiz will be a fun night out and the front yard sale a great way to clear out your home and get to know some of your neighbours, while raising money for the street party. The times and dates are:

The pub quiz will take place on Thursday 28 April at 7.30pm, The Crown, Cricklewood.
Front yard sale on Sunday 8 May, starting at 10.30am

The idea is that all proceeds you make from your front yard sale, go to the street party. So pop the above dates in your diary!


We do not have any financial support from the local council for our street party. NW2 Resident’s Association are supporting with as much as they can, but to make the party happen, we need to raise money from sponsors and donations from the local residents. Puja at Munro Store on Temple Road has set up a collection. Please do pop by Munro Store and make a donation if you would like to and feel able. Any surplus we make from your support will go directly to Cricklewood Library.

Our sponsors

Just a final note to thank those sponsors who have already got involved.
NorthWestTWO Residents’ Association
Living Spring Montessori Nursery
Munro Store
If you would like to be involved in the next organising committee meeting it is taking place on…

Saturday 7 May at 10.30am, Marco & Galya’s place, 109 Olive Road.

Best wishes
Marco and Galya

109 Olive Road
Marco mob: +44 (0)7912 120473

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