1–13 Cricklewood Lane planning application
The new planning application to demolish the existing buildings and build three blocks is now in. The overall heights are similar to the revised application back in 2019 (see our web page for a bit of that long story – needs updating now) but quite a bit has changed: no basement car-park, different colours, and many more residential units, smaller ones in a “shared living” arrangement. It would not include affordable housing; the developers propose to make a cash-in-lieu payment to Barnet instead. It would include retail space for the Co-op and “provision of a high-quality drinking establishment”. There’s no provision for a health centre; the local NHS decided to close the walk-in centre and the GP practice has already moved to Oaklands Road.
Barnet are now consulting on the application. You can comment online by entering the planning application reference number 24/4057/FUL on the Barnet planning portal https://publicaccess.