Cricklewood Town Centre – flyposting and graffiti
UKIP tagger and “man with van” flyposter continue to blight the town centre. As a result of the recent Cricklewood Clean Up all this had been removed but, once again, phone boxes bus shelters, lampposts, bollards are being defaced and seem to attract more flyposting/graffiti.
Whilst we are loath to give this publicity and we can all remove any we see, if you have any intelligence, please advise Brent’s Community Safety and Public Protection – email: A license plate would be ideal if anyone sees him parking up, sticking up a poster and driving off again. Flyposting has been linked to flytipping and there’s enough of that in Cricklewood without any more.
Please help and report this for removal by the Councils or Veolia which is very easy to do using the Brent Cleaner App.