Concrete industry in Cricklewood?

A concrete company wants to build a readymix concrete plant behind Lidl on the Edgware Road, bringing industrial processing into what we were told was a rail freight site.

Capital Concrete have put in the planning application for a plant in DB Cargo’s rail freight facility at 400 Edgware Road. They’d use aggregates brought in by rail, add cement and additives brought in by road, store them all on site, then feed them all into a giant mixer, add water to make readymix concrete and send that out by road.

The Railway Terraces residents’ association have put in a detailed objection. There are many problems.

  • Height: nearly 17 metres tall (not including any enclosure as suggested by Barnet Environmental Health)
  • Extra noise from aggregates feeding into the mixer and the mixing itself
  • Hazardous materials being brought in by road
  • Air pollution estimates based on a desk exercise with no actual readings from working concrete sites
  • Concrete/cement added to the mud and dirt already being tracked out of the site onto the Edgware Road
  • Industrial processing, heavier than anything previously in Cricklewood, slipped into a rail freight site
  • Flawed assessments that ignore nearby residential developments – the Matalan site, Gladstone Parade
  • Brief council consultation amid all the disruption of COVID-19

The application’s on the Barnet planning portal, reference 20/4817/FUL, and open for comments. The deadline’s Friday 13 November 2020.

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