Draft Physical Activity Strategy Brent


Brent Council is currently undertaking public consultation on the draft up to the 13th November 2015. This draft strategy sets out our proposed approach to improving the health and wellbeing of Brent residents by increasing participation in everyday physical activity.

Our aim is to encourage active lifestyles, whether that is at home, through travel, at work or during leisure time. We want to increase rates of sports participation of residents to improve health – both mental and physical – through Council, community and partnership means. We aim to achieve this at zero-cost to the council to ensure long term sustainability. We would welcome your views on the draft strategy and the ways in which we plan to achieve its vision and objectives.

There will be some face-to-face consultations at the following venues and dates: The events will be in the form of a drop-in session, where you can come pop in any time in the allocated time slots. We would welcome your input if you are available to attend and would be grateful if you could confirm attendance:

The Library at Willesden Green, Thursday, 8 October anytime between 16:00-18:00

Vale Farm Sports Centre, Thursday, 5th November anytime between 16:00 -18:00

In addition, we will be attending all the Brent Connects Forums- details on https://www.brent.gov.uk/your-community/brent-connects/brent-connects-forums/

Update: the consultation’s closed and the report on it is available here.

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