Local List Consultation
The London Borough of Brent is inviting public nominations for Buildings or Structures of Architectural or Historic Interest to be added to its Local List.
The purpose of updating the Local List is to ensure that the Council recognises and protects Brent’s local heritage of special architectural or historic significance. It will also be able to respond more positively to regeneration opportunities whilst safeguarding local historic assets of value, and where feasible, bringing them into beneficial use. Inclusion on the Local List simply means that the Council will take into account the heritage asset’s special local architectural or historic interest when considering a planning application.
The last adopted version was recorded in Appendix BE4 of Brent’s UDP 2004. * View the current Local List
Public nominations here. It has been set out in ward order. You will note that a number of buildings are civic, religious or educational. This is because they were designed to be bespoke and to be landmarks within the streetscene.
Public nominations will remain open until 11th October 2015