Hard work by the Railway Terraces Community Association has revealed that the reductions in height will be accompanied by increased massing in the rest of the development. A 3-storey part goes up to 6 storeys, and two 8-storey parts go up to 12. That means some of the nearest parts in the picture below – the developers’ view from Kara Way – are actually going to be higher than shown.
We gather some of the residential units will be smaller too. It’s all about cramming over a thousand units onto a site that’s too small by half.
The deadline for fresh comments is 31 August 2021. We won’t only be objecting to this scheme again. We’ll also object to Barnet planning’s dismissively short summary of the 2000+ objections. The report misses many points out and never touches on many of the issues raised. The councillors on the planning committee will only see a half-page list of a few bullet points.