Supported by NorthWestTWO Residents Association, Brent’s Love Where you Live and local businessesCheck out Cricklewood Library events being launched at the Neighbourhood Party.
There is something for everyone
Our 2018 Neighbourhood Street Party
You may have already heard – we are going to have a street party this year! Here is the plan so far:
Sunday 3 June 2018 at 12.00-6.00pm
on Olive Road (section between Agave/Sneyd and St Michaels).
Everybody in the local area and their friends and family are invited to come and enjoy the live music and dance, children’s activities, food, drink and community friendship.
We will be celebrating our global diversity at our street party. Bring food and drink typical of your national background (we will provide you with a table) and your national flag, so your neighbours can taste your cuisine and see your flag decorate the street.
If you would like to get involved in any aspect of the party organisation and things on the day, let us know. Email: Marco or
So put the date in your diary and invite your neighbours and friends. We are going to have a great party!
On behalf of the organising team,
Marco, Alec, Galya and Marie