New Developments

For more information about this and other developments in Cricklewood, view

1-13 Cricklewood Lane (Co-op store and more)

We’ve now learnt that 1-13 Cricklewood Lane was sold in January. That’s the property that includes the Co-op and other shops, 15 flats, the health centre and some offices.
Centre East Properties paid £14.6m for it, not including VAT. Centre East Properties are a limited company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, so we don’t know who their directors are, or their shareholders, or the ultimate beneficial owners, and the company doesn’t show up on our web searches either.

The sales brochure made a lot of the development potential of the site, suggesting turning the offices into flats, increasing the height and density of the buildings, or comprehensive redevelopment. We don’t know how realistic that was; the brochure also says the scheme for developing the Green is still being considered.

The Co-op and most other shops have leases that run until 2026. We’re told the tenants in the flats have been given notice. According to the sale brochure, the flats used to be leased to Frays Charitable Housing Association Limited, part of the Paradigm Housing Group, and the leases were due to expire in November 2016.

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One Response to New Developments

  1. John Adams says:

    This is good news.