Dear Neighbour
Following the success of our Olive Road Jubilee Street Party 4 years ago, we are planning another Street Party in Olive Road on Sunday 5 June 2016 from 12 noon till 7 pm.
As with our last street party, this is a great opportunity for all the residents of the neighbourhood (Olive Road and surrounding streets) to get to know each other and enjoy a fun, community-based day out. An organising committee has held its first meeting and we have lots of good ideas for the party such as performances by local musicians, children’s area with creative play and dressing up, literary and poetry slam, Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, street games & races and more. The party will seek to raise awareness of and support Cricklewood Library.
If you would like to share your ideas for the party, are interested in helping to organise the party, or just join in, please reply and let Galya and I know.
Marco and Galya, 109 Olive Road
(On behalf of the organising committee)