1-13 Cricklewood Lane (Co-op etc) – revised application

The developers now propose a 9-storey tower block in the middle of Cricklewood, taller even than the 6-storey building on the Galtymore site. Up until Friday 28th June, you can comment on the revised planning application through Barnet’s online system. Read more

15-storey tower block in the middle of Cricklewood

The planning application for a 15-storey tower block and two 6-storey ones in the middle of Cricklewood, replacing the Co-op building and the health centre and offices behind it, is now in. The deadline for comments on Barnet Council’s website is 7th December 2018. [Updated 26 November] Read more

Waste Transfer Station – how much traffic?

Barnet have changed the traffic forecasts for the Waste Transfer Station; they say it will have less impact because they’ll keep it open longer and it will only ever operate at 75% capacity. We say the planning committee can’t approve it on that starry-eyed assumption. Read more

Brent Cross expansion on hold

Hammerson announced the expansion of Brent Cross shopping centre was on hold. It’s not obvious what this means for us, especially now that Brent Cross Cricklewood’s been divided into three parts. We try to break it down. Read more

Superhub: no intervention from Mayor of London

Today, the Mayor of London has told Barnet Council he won’t step in. Barnet planning committee’s approval of Barnet Council & DB Cargo’s planning application for an aggregates/spoil superhub at 400 Edgware Road stands. Read more