Toy Appeal

Christmas Appeals 2018

Our residents enjoyed the appeal for toys so much two years ago, that I have offered again. And there are also a couple of appeals for the hungry and homeless.

  1. Christmas presents for Looked After Children
    I am corporate parent to over 300 Brent children who are either in residential or foster care.

Every year the council throws a party for them, and they take home a present.

Cllr Mili Patel has asked if we could help by donating presents for this event.  Last time one very generous mother said that it had helped her children understand the true meaning of Christmas.

They should be new and wrapped please, with a label showing age group and if more appropriate for boy/girl/both.


  1. New men’s socks and underpants
    St Lawrence’s Larder in Christ Church Brondesbury  does wonderful work with the homeless, and anyone who is hungry.  In the winter they are particularly need of NEW socks and underwear.  So, pop in an extra 3-pack whilst shopping for uncle Albert.  And if you receive unwanted socks I will arrange for a January collection


  1. Sleeping bags and men’s coats
    These are always appreciated, new or used. 


I am still working out the logistics of collections and storage, so please hang on to your contributions for the moment.  If anybody can offer help with driving around or storing, that would be a huge help, please contact me or 07721 233056

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